Good morning, Beautiful People!

As soon as I integrate an emerging aspect of the self, a new one pops up, screaming to be recognized, hugged and invited to flourish in my awareness. I wholeheartedly welcome each one in spite of the difficulties involved in supplanting destructive beliefs.  Difficulties challenge my resistance to freedom from past tense thinking, feeling, speaking and doing. And yes, past tense-based intentions also!

Purpose of past tense

Generically speaking, past tense informs you that something has already happened. It is a finished product. Therefore, it can never be altered or undone. I was, you did, it happened. Thoughts, words, intentions, events or acts can never ever revert back to an unexpressed idea; just as a timepiece does not rewind itself; just as the thing born can never return to gestation. Time appears gradually to subtract life from the subject, to diminish possibilities. Not true of course unless you believe it!

Time for me is a mental concept: a sequential emergence of intention, speech, situations, growth, creativity and awakening. Nothing moves forward or backwards because in the static now moment is a continuous emergence of ideas called forth into physical form via an infinite number of sustained intentions.

So past tense is essentially a reference library to facilitate clear communication or simply to entertain. Otherwise, you misuse the faculty of memory with endless reruns of past events, wishes, regrets and fantasies.

Abusing the past

You become so amorous with memories that you ignore the opportunities and resources (to materialize your current intentions) that are already here in this moment. In order to feel alive, you embellish delusions and collect pity or adulation to avoid autonomy. You incessantly exhume the “good ‘ole days”, hoping they will miraculously rise from the dead. Or you drag listeners into a scenario of a hapless victim enduring extreme suffering. Oh my, woe is me! Why? Victims get exempted from responsibilities!

living in the past

Digging up memories

But feasting on yester thoughts destabilizes the body and starts the withering process. Look and you will sense similitude between past tense dwellers and dilapidated shacks. This is one of the major causes of chronic loneliness, paranoia and feelings of alienation from the self. You tend to make other people responsible for your misery or happiness when, in fact, it is unconsciously self-inflicted or contrived.

Eventually though, you grow weary of aimlessly wandering around with your head turned 180%, expecting to find happiness in the graves of your mind. You want congruence, inclusion, to be an authentic participant  in this world. You want to be true to yourself, to see what that truth IS for YOU. And you can, starting now…if you can accept challenges as a fundamental instrument for growth and success.

Sometimes challenges disguise themselves as omnipotent enemies or strings of disappointing situations or phantom lovers. More vigilant than flees, they hound you day and night; and no amount of intellectual trickery can wipe them out. Their sole objective is to dismantle a primal instinct to hide from your own mischief. Challenges—one’s own innate volition—‘force’ you to see how YOU are totally responsible for the minutiae you experience. You will draw unto you that which is aligned with your current state of being. And you alone decide that state.

Putting past tense to rest

Within the now moment is the permanent opportunity to use all the fresh ideas you can in any way you want to. No questions, no prerequisites, no judgment whatsoever, except your own resistance to live fully, freely and joyously, which can only happen in the now. Then why do you flee from the actions you want to take? You are clinging to self-limiting beliefs formulated from direct or indirect experiences. That is why you are easily distracted and (like a hopeless addict) engage in activities that sap your energy. You procrastinate. Your fear-based beliefs prevent you from committing to your intentions. They cripple your attempts to persist, concentrate on and complete best actions. That said, Do not despair! I have discovered in myself a process that is working for me.  Allow me to share this with you.

In order to accept and love yourself as you are, you first must understand, approve of and love who you were and the past as it was. (Warning: Self-deception does not work here.)

Acknowledge the facts about every scenario that comes to mind. Accept what the past and you, were, not are. Step aside and observe the thoughts and emotions that surface. Neither resist nor drag them on, opting for self-pity. Let them surface and dissolve naturally.

Follow your intuitive thread and see how you played your part in creating and responding to your reality. Writing down your insights enables you to see deeper that you were 100% responsible, as every person involved is totally responsible for their part.

Layers of emotions will surface. Let them. Remember to allow. Do not attempt to control or prove anything. Do not put a time limit on this process. Revisit each step as many times as required to reach clarity.

Have compassion and forgive yourself, everyone and everything involved UNTIL you transcend the habit of judging (an escape from responsibility) and reach complete clarity on your total participation in a past reality. It only reflected your inner state of being at that time. The beliefs, habits, self-image that you brought into this lifetime spilled over into your childhood and beyond. Accept and learn from these. They are clues to complete healing.

At some point, you will discover there is nothing to forgive after all—it was an experiment to  point you towards the self that you came here to expose to the world in your own magnificent way.

Allow yourself to completely accept and love the past and yourself as you were. There is nothing mushy or dramatic about this. It happens naturally as you surrender to what was.

Appreciate yourself, everyone, everything involved in your yester moments—how perfectly ordered, loving, liberating the universe is; how you are free to create any experience you can imagine, always reflecting your state of being, the place in which you stand in awareness of the self.

Be grateful for the opportunity to experiment in playing the game of life as you see fit: discovering, awakening, unfolding more and more of the real you. Be grateful that past tense reality is not to be hoarded but to be released… deliberately.

Now you can love yourself deeply as you are. You can unconditionally share your love in thought, speech, intention, acts and attitude because you have achieved freedom from guilt, regret, blame, shame and arrogance. Your mind and body are present right here, right now. Everything you want is surrounding you. No more waiting, hoping, conniving. Limitless opportunities and possibilities, resources of every kind required, solutions, undiscovered ideas and ‘the right’ people surround you round the clock. Are you ready for this natural state of wealth and living?

When I approve of and accept myself as I was and for everything I did, then I can love myself as I am and enjoy what I am doing.

Tell me: what are your insights, experiences? I would enjoy hearing from you.

So post your comments below before you forget. And if you find something useful in this blog, why not subscribe so you can receive email notification each time I publish a post. Also, I would be highly honored if you recommended this blog to others who might benefit. Thank you in advance.

Men Readers: Your comments are valuable too & highly welcomed! ;-))

Shall we meet up again in a few days?

Until then,

Allow happiness!


Image credit:  Grave Digger, 3sigma.com

Copyright © 2010-2012 Thandiwe Chappot, thefemininefeminine®. All rights reserved worldwide.

Who Created This Stuff Anyway?

Good morning Beautiful People,

It goes to show that any little thing can momentarily thwart your plans though not your core intention! Rather than a text format, I had planned a first try to publish a video post. But instead, I contracted debilitating pneumonia-like symptoms that further deteriorated into acute laryngitis…knocking me down on my knees for two months.

Time for Solitude

Medical results revealed a benign weakness in the lungs that got inflamed. Doctors recommended I tweak my diet, keep my body extra warm during cold weather and abort coughs at the start. Though not the least surprised, I was relieved to hear that I am disease free, as healthy as a wild horse!

The only reason I am yakking about my little problem is not to complain or elicit sympathy but to share an overview of the insights I gained during those weeks of excruciating discomfort. Is that not the purpose of suffering—to lovingly jolt us into alert awareness of parts of ourselves we have ignored? Even though I was preoccupied with undergoing exams and tests for several days, a part of me observed in detached certainty that I would triumph. I knew, as countless times before, that I had to discover the original cause of my problem if I wanted to outgrow it.

From my podium: I alone create the life I live; no one else can alter or control it even if they wanted to. And neither can I interfere in another’s creation. elderly re coughing & false teeth

That is because every human being is responsible for constructing their experience on earth. You are continuously attracted to your own lifework reflected in circumstances, events and in all the ‘others’ you notice. To explain: the point in which you stand in awareness is always perfectly played out in every detail of your existence. Otherwise, zero state of awareness would result in zero life experience—inertia begets inertia. What a good thing! What freedom! How fun to create, ponder, learn and grow from the results and promptly invent fresh ideas. What a thrill to make new decisions and direct all four feet into the unknown!

Okay, how do I know that? I know because, so far, I have traced each of my challenges and current situation back to my own repetitive thoughts, emotions, beliefs, decisions and activities. I take full responsibility for every little or big thing that has ever ‘happened to me’, which includes prior events that allowed the perfect scenario for birth into this human form: from post-natal dramas to the seamless unfoldment of self, up through present time…all in divine sequence. I am the initiator, conceptualizer, principle player and every person, place or thing represents an aspect of me in some way. Yep, including the sweet, sour or bitter. Therefore, that which I have experienced within me beomes visible as my what-is reality. No exceptions!

But what if I dislike what I have manifested or forever want to keep it?

hop scotch woman

i can!

Before I respond, allow me to offer my interpretation of ‘what-is’ and ‘resistance’.

What-is is a finished product, unalterable here now reality. Its origins emerge from  an individual’s thoughts and emotions and increase via countless other people on the same wavelength. In other words, your thoughts combine with the thoughts of every person of the same frequency. Included are sustained beliefs, speech, attitude, behavior, preferences and actions. What-is is the untouched-up physical exhibition of your inner lifework up til now.

Resistance is the expression of deeply engrained fear—rigid refusal to allow yourself and all other living beings and things their beingness—to be authentic, true to self, to explore, create and grow in their own unique way. In the moment you are resisting, you are perceiving the appearance of separation around you, so you surmise that the universe is insufficient, prejudiced, haphazard or incomplete. You feel alone, terrified, vulnerable, in danger. Hence, competition, greed, hoarding and narcissism become the platforms from which you function.

Well, when you resist what-is, you are attempting to defile the perfectness of love expressing as life. Your first reflex is to mentally collate what-is into right or wrong, good or bad, keep or kill. Next, the delusional part of you tries to exert authority over others. Imagine:

Me, standing haughtily on a wimpy puff of clouds, blown across the skies by winds of whim and pettiness, peering down on a hapless mass of homo sapiens that are scratching the earth searching for approval, identity and purpose, begging me to control their destiny and to declare my assessment of their unworthiness.

To entertain the idea that you can hold on to or destroy what-is is a symptom of insanity. No? Look around in your infinite mind. Scrutinize your fickle emotions. What is the incentive for war? I am sure you will agree that no one is able to grasp a handful of fog, fold it flat and stuff it into your shirt pocket. Can you roll back five minutes of your life and relive it? Last week’s happiness (and sorrow) is a stale and boring memory…like retelling the episodes of how you learned to sit on a potty chair. Let that memory die!

Are you courageous enough to invite your greater self to emerge today, in this very minute? Are you intelligent enough to decide for your own pleasure? Are you confident enough to allow YOU to express your ever-expanding beauty, wholeness, unique gifts and talents and have fun like a five year old? Do you respect and love yourself enough to laugh at the ignoramus comments from intimate others and do what you want to do anyway?

joyous living like a 5 yr old

Happy to be here!

I know you can because I am doing it. And I am you. But it is up to you and only you have the authority, time and free resources to live exactly as YOU please. I said, “Free” because everything you will ever need is already within you…like the seeds of redwoods, like the eggs of people and animals… The moment you decide, you will have started your new adventure: to live fully, freely and joyously. Have fun!

Tell me: what are your insights, experiences? I would enjoy hearing from you.

So post your comments below before you forget. And if you find something useful in this blog, why not subscribe so you can receive email notification each time I publish a post. Also, I would be highly honored if you recommended this blog to others who might benefit. Thank you in advance.

Men Readers: Your comments are valuable too & highly welcomed! 😉

Shall we meet up again in a few days?

Until then,

Allow happiness!


Image credit: minniepauz.com, cartoonstock.com, clipartof.com

Copyright © 2010-2012 Thandiwe Chappot, thefemininefeminine®. All rights reserved worldwide.

A Brief On Procrastination

Good morning Great People!

In spite of hundreds of thousands of books, poetry, business courses and procrastinators anonymous groups that offer the final technique for overcoming ‘the curse,’ procrastination continues to be one of the most prevalent plagues amongst homo sapiens, the supposedly most sophisticated lot in creation. Perhaps we can take a clue from our “lesser” four-legged siblings by doing now what needs to be done now because there is no other time in which to do it. The challenge for us is we think too much. Otherwise, we would not procrastinate. Anyway, I want to tell you how I am converting ‘the curse’ into a guard rail to keep me aligned with my vision. But not before explaining my perception of this forbidden word… here goes.

What is procrastination?

Time never flies backwards

Procrastination is an energy-draining emotion,  melancholy, a feeling of dread of taking risks to be your authentic self. It is a mental retreat into mono-dialogues about long dead situations and people. Its goal is to prevent us from allowing the self to materialize its purpose. Because the moment we glimpse our vast potential, power and possibilities (only discernible in a state of awareness), we will be strongly tempted to transmute genuine longings into physical reality. During the process, we will awaken to another aspect of the self that is indestructible, fearless and limitless. We will exhibit real liberation and have an exponential influence in the advancement of humanity. But from a one-grain-of-sand perspective, this is scary.

For this reason, procrastination is disguised as preoccupations: consumerism, obsession with becoming a sex symbol, and an insatiable hunger for fame to feel special, adored and superior. It appears as irresponsible pregnancies, hypochondria or excessive entertainment. Worse are the addictions to manifesting dramas or crisis and to nosiness—overly involved in the affairs of others by way of monitoring adult children or engaged in celebrity gossip or reality shows or mean-spirited chatter about most of the others we encounter. We attempt to eradicate responsibility by mentally reconstructing the past in order to steal credit from others or by harboring morbid thoughts for hours on end.

Another word for procrastination is resistance. Here is where we flatly flip off our true but socially unacceptable feelings, preferences, gifts and talents. We risk our well-being in order to gain a few dubious compliments and invitations into the shallow elite club. But habitual hesitation—to do what we want— bores big holes in self-confidence and compromises our immune system. We grow dull, slow and ineffective. Consequently, the urge to give away our gifts and talents by practicing and developing our skills gradually recedes into oblivion. And so does our experience of love, inspiration and fulfillment—birthright luxuries that we expect to come to us rather than from us. We must give everything we have to offer in the moment in order to give more. As we give, we fling open a bottomless reservoir of gifts and talents to emerge from within us. Simultaneously, we are allowing the world to give to us exactly what we need. What a beautiful exchange! The more you give, the more of  life you will experience!

Where did procrastination come from?

As far as I know, no one is born a procrastinator–babies are totally present. And so are young children before they learn to reject their natural instincts. During early childhood, we are, unfortunately, conditioned either to discard our ideas or to wait until some date in a future before we can act on inspiration—but that day, for most, never arrives. Children are too often prevented from taking minimum risk to implement a concept that might upset the cart of familiarity. Our keepers’ disciplinary tactics train us to discredit or ignore our intuitive nature, mistrust the self and to develop blind faith in folks whose comprehension of self is questionable.

Children are conditioned to submit to intimidation, scarcity beliefs and shame…and guilt, after disobeying. Fear of being ousted from home keeps rebelliousness at bay to a great extent. (By the way, getting ousted is not limited to income status.) Eventually our natural creative impulses and sense of invincibility descend deeply below the level of conscious access. So in order to earn a living, i.e., deserve to live via conformity (having the basic necessities of life and a sense of belonging), we instantly become master people pleasers, slaves of the whims and ill will of elder slaves we call family, friends and authority figures. The original plan for our life gets buried beneath inertia: the result of a habitual procrastinator.

Why do we procrastinate when we do not want to?

There is a tendency amongst adults to prefer a permanent position of receiver without contributing one iota to the motion of life. I call it adult toddler narcissism. But nature has never been stagnant. It pushes forward, upward to its fullest ever-expanding possibilities. Have you noticed how easily petit, delicate flowers push through a concrete sidewalk? They literally crack it open. Amazing! Imagine the dire consequences if these beauties had contemplated the weight of the mixture of gravel, sand, cement and water for even ten minutes. Hesitation would have killed an exquisite idea before its birth. Nothing in the universe (except you) can prevent you from bringing a clear, definite intention into physical manifestation.

Better to do what you love!

I have learned from bouts of battling against it that procrastination is not some armored enemy to kill off. In fact, it is nothingness. Eventually this self-inflicted habit will lead you to abandon trendy anti-resistance strategies and simply choose to do as you sincerely want to do and need to do, in order to nurture your soul, satisfy your creative impulses and to feel more of your own aliveness. Next, you must value happiness and freedom more than playing a puppet role. Finally, you have to start doing whatever it is that you have promised yourself.

However, it is absolutely necessary that you recognize subtle masks of inertia. I am sure some of these, if not all, will ring true for you or for someone in your circle. These masks have been gleaned from my personal experience and my coaching clients.

  • Avoiding the unfamiliar and giving your fear power by coddling a strong sense of unworthiness and self- contempt.
  • Terrified of dying—thinking that the longer you put off doing what you intuitively know to do, you will prolong life in this body.
  • Worse than the fear of dying, is the possibility of seeing the glorious self, radiating through your physical form when you give undivided attention to the present moment or now.
  • Addicted to the frustration that emerges from avoiding responsibility and blaming ‘them’, racism, gender bias, the neighbor’s barking dog or your partner’s snoring.
  • Refusing to accept that unfoldment is a process of coming into maturity and passing on (like clouds pushed by the winds) to give way to new experiences, which emerge from the consciousness of the individuals involved.
  • Preference for laziness and shallowness; to mistake mediocrity for greatness.
  • Scarcity beliefs—insufficient capacities, clients, money, opportunities, emotional support.
  • Quick to justify your stinginess—refusing to give what the present moment requires of you.
  • Defensive about breaking your promises to someone, which ultimately, is to yourself.
  • Daydreaming the day away, keeping busy and accomplishing nothing towards your dream.
  • Pretending not to see clearly what you are here on earth to be and to do.
  • A lack of unity of intention and attention…”a house divided against itself”—your mind, body and actions conflict with your in-this-moment intention. Examples: (1) While listening to your party speak on the phone, you are reading and responding to e-mails, watching television or sorting laundry. (2) While doing your creative work, you interrupt yourself to listen to the news for two hours or telephone someone for a long chat or go window shopping or do maximum housecleaning or finish off 900 ml of ice cream “because I deserve it.”
  • Habitually dreading doing what you have promised yourself can also reveal a lack of sincere interest in the subject. Time to examine what feels right to you… to hoot what others may think.
  • Fear of making mistakes or failing and inviting ridicule; therefore, valuing the opinions of others rather than your own knowing and needs.
  • Being where you are not wanted—in the cemetery of expired ideas and beliefs that fall way too short of present day requirements; or in the sanctuary of fantasy, excessive planning and inaction; or in your current reality that is contaminated by the invasion of references from the past rather than fresh pioneer ideas.

Is “feeling prohibited” procrastination?

Feeling prohibited is procrastination if you are blaming your inaction on something outside of yourself or you are ‘not in the mood’ to or ‘do not feel like’ doing it. Otherwise, this feeling of gentle hesitation, a soft pull to engage in another positive activity, could be your intuition making sure your intention unfolds with ease in divine sequence. This has happened to me countless times. My intentions did manifest easily with minimum effort.

Okay, one last word…

We are not condemned to a life of procrastination. Choice is available this second, right now. Crave to take the risk of being abandoned by relationships you value the most because you finally garnered enough self-respect to act on your behalf. Do not panic, you will always receive the support you need as you need it. Does it matter the channel that brings it to you? Crave to test drive your own potential on your private road—you have the remainder of this lifetime to do it. So do it now! What are you waiting for, your last breath of regret and self-pity?

Tell me: what are your insights, experiences? I would enjoy hearing from you.

So post your comments below before you forget. And if you find something useful in this blog, why not subscribe so you can receive email notification each time I publish a post. Also, I would be highly honored if you recommended this blog to others who might benefit. Thank you in advance.

Men Readers: Your comments are valuable too & highly welcomed! ;-))

Shall we meet up again in a few days?

Until then,

Allow happiness!


Image credit: Procrastination 101! from mdjunction.com; “ flaw that has caused… from redeemedsheep.com

Copyright © 2010-2012 Thandiwe Chappot, thefemininefeminine®. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friends Are Like That

Jump 4 Joy!

Good morning Beautiful People,

The following text is a gratitude poem. But because I’m temporarily inept in using this blog platform, alas, I had to convert it into paragraph form.

Dear Friends, how much I thank you!

You broke my fall into an abyss of despair. You added me to your holiday guest list,  and sent me fabulous people links and web links to boost my morale, to boost my knowledge, to boost my income.

Thank you Friends for confiding in me.

You trusted me to guard your worst fears and ‘hideous’ wants and secrets.  And thanks for safeguarding mine! We taught each other those things that we ourselves had not grasped. All that sincere sharing grew us, especially me, hopefully you too.

Thank you Friends for playing my playmate—

Did we not wake up our carefree, giggly, silly selves? So much fun had we, to be responsibly irresponsible & spontaneous! Being immune to disciplinary stares in public places, we modeled pure joy.

Thank you Friends who pretended to be strangers passing in a flash.

You reflected back to me what I needed to examine & keep me synchronized in integrity. Thank you for being a caretaker when the babyish me was bigger than the adult me…You provided a refuge so that i could lick my wounds from battling the invisible war in my head.

Thank you Friends for applauding my little successes.

You have been my first row fans & competent critics who pointed me to excellence. Without you, I would exist as vapor…unable to stand upright in the world.

Thank you Friends for your sunrise concert, your upbeat chatter & wing flapping…

Just before you dove faster than fighter jets from roofs to grab beaks-full of dry stalks or balls of green moss, weeds & loose gravel from my balcony garden; and peeled off dead slivers of bark to build the most exquisite weather-proof houses, meticulously arranging one piece at a time. What presence! What intelligence! What love! You show me how to design with finesse.

Thank you Friends for reminding me of “seed of potential.”

How wise you are to speak loudly & clearly without an audible voice! You bend with the tempest without breaking. You shed yourself bare & bow low in gratitude, reverence for life. Every time I look towards my balcony there you are—growing, forever elegantly, new leaves & limbs & bark with original color schemes to attract the perfect residents. You are allowing your own seed of potential to flourish to its fullest.

I thank you past & future, my ghost Friends, for making it plain how you do not exist.

Past is a pretty synonym of mental cemetery: A favorite, highly frequented spot where human beings indulge in exhuming the same old bones gone to dust, the material used to build a feared or longed for future. Because ‘you are not,’  I have returned to living fearlessly: I create right now & I experience the results right here in my consciousness!

Thank you critter Friends: especially the spider that weaved a web across my window that attracted strange teeny-weeny critters that left unsightly stains that compromised my view. So I sprayed vinegar water to chase it away.

The next morning, spider had constructed a new more elaborate web. This time I thoroughly cleaned my window of web & stains. But on day three, a new web just as beautiful had trapped several tiny critters frantically attempting to escape. What is your message Friend?

Never give up! Give total attention to your intention. If failures seem endless, do what you do better until your intention is manifested”.…Yes, Spider is me.

Thank you Friends–the light, air, earth & water that sustain this physical body; the mind that designs my whole life experience: this planet playground in which I have fun trying out my talents & gifts; examining results (what is, a finished product); contemplating cause & effect to expand my awareness & capacity to give more of the limitless reservoir of love intelligence that I am.

Thank you Friends. Thank you.

Flashes of Insight2

–There is no risk in truth.

–So much endless searching for your purposeful work, passion, gift to the world…procrastinating to avoid loving or giving. Why not start at your current level of understanding? What are you waiting for–for your gift to descend from a summit? But what is it? you ask. Your gift is sitting quietly in your daily choices. It is the subject of your outrageous daydreams that you dare not expose. It appears as your persistent preferences, pleasures and intuitive knowing and in your leisure moments. It is smack in the middle of your relationships. All.  It infiltrates each nuance of living because of its seamless presence in your experience. There is nothing to seek. Simply pay attention to your intuition edging you forward rather than vacillating between what you know and the imposition of puny opinions and judgment of spectators. What do they have to do with you? Nothing at all. Their projections are none of your business. Know that what you are running from is clinging to you. Why not give it a big hug and make it your lover?

–“It’s very immature to be afraid.” Wanda J. Pilot

–There is never anything to wait for…to happen or to do or to come to us. It is already done, already complete and is present, with us here now. Our job is to become acutely aware of it. In that moment, we will have initiated an easy accomplishment.

–We’ve been hearing since forever: “Outflow determines inflow.” But there’s more to outflow than working and scheming for monetary returns. Outflow starts with our thinking, desires, moment-to-moment choices, intentions, attitude, beliefs, feelings and words, which direct each single action or activity. At the same time, everything we’re experiencing today is inflow–the result of yesterday’s internal and external actions.

–Loneliness does not emerge from solitude or alienation. It is an effect of believing we are separate beings, on the outskirts of life. And the thought of joining the game of self-responsibility feels too threatening to attempt.

–I like knowing that no matter what happens, life is unfolding in Love order, in divine sequence.

–Fear and frustration arise when we attempt to control the flow of Life, which is impossible. If we persist, the resistance triggers a deterioration process of the mind, then the body. And no quantity of injections, pills, clever flesh carving or padding can prevent body rot. Let Life have its way and the mind plus body will jump for joy!

–The primary reason relationships dissolve into chaos is each party forgets that Love is always omnipresent. If Love is omnipresent then it must be all the power, all intelligence. All it takes is one person to remember this truth frequently. This I can witness: Love does heal all ills.

Is Life the activity of Love? Its outer reflection, manifestation? Is mind an amusing instrument of Life to create and pretend to play all the characters in its imaginary physical universe?