Who Created This Stuff Anyway?

Good morning Beautiful People,

It goes to show that any little thing can momentarily thwart your plans though not your core intention! Rather than a text format, I had planned a first try to publish a video post. But instead, I contracted debilitating pneumonia-like symptoms that further deteriorated into acute laryngitis…knocking me down on my knees for two months.

Time for Solitude

Medical results revealed a benign weakness in the lungs that got inflamed. Doctors recommended I tweak my diet, keep my body extra warm during cold weather and abort coughs at the start. Though not the least surprised, I was relieved to hear that I am disease free, as healthy as a wild horse!

The only reason I am yakking about my little problem is not to complain or elicit sympathy but to share an overview of the insights I gained during those weeks of excruciating discomfort. Is that not the purpose of suffering—to lovingly jolt us into alert awareness of parts of ourselves we have ignored? Even though I was preoccupied with undergoing exams and tests for several days, a part of me observed in detached certainty that I would triumph. I knew, as countless times before, that I had to discover the original cause of my problem if I wanted to outgrow it.

From my podium: I alone create the life I live; no one else can alter or control it even if they wanted to. And neither can I interfere in another’s creation. elderly re coughing & false teeth

That is because every human being is responsible for constructing their experience on earth. You are continuously attracted to your own lifework reflected in circumstances, events and in all the ‘others’ you notice. To explain: the point in which you stand in awareness is always perfectly played out in every detail of your existence. Otherwise, zero state of awareness would result in zero life experience—inertia begets inertia. What a good thing! What freedom! How fun to create, ponder, learn and grow from the results and promptly invent fresh ideas. What a thrill to make new decisions and direct all four feet into the unknown!

Okay, how do I know that? I know because, so far, I have traced each of my challenges and current situation back to my own repetitive thoughts, emotions, beliefs, decisions and activities. I take full responsibility for every little or big thing that has ever ‘happened to me’, which includes prior events that allowed the perfect scenario for birth into this human form: from post-natal dramas to the seamless unfoldment of self, up through present time…all in divine sequence. I am the initiator, conceptualizer, principle player and every person, place or thing represents an aspect of me in some way. Yep, including the sweet, sour or bitter. Therefore, that which I have experienced within me beomes visible as my what-is reality. No exceptions!

But what if I dislike what I have manifested or forever want to keep it?

hop scotch woman

i can!

Before I respond, allow me to offer my interpretation of ‘what-is’ and ‘resistance’.

What-is is a finished product, unalterable here now reality. Its origins emerge from  an individual’s thoughts and emotions and increase via countless other people on the same wavelength. In other words, your thoughts combine with the thoughts of every person of the same frequency. Included are sustained beliefs, speech, attitude, behavior, preferences and actions. What-is is the untouched-up physical exhibition of your inner lifework up til now.

Resistance is the expression of deeply engrained fear—rigid refusal to allow yourself and all other living beings and things their beingness—to be authentic, true to self, to explore, create and grow in their own unique way. In the moment you are resisting, you are perceiving the appearance of separation around you, so you surmise that the universe is insufficient, prejudiced, haphazard or incomplete. You feel alone, terrified, vulnerable, in danger. Hence, competition, greed, hoarding and narcissism become the platforms from which you function.

Well, when you resist what-is, you are attempting to defile the perfectness of love expressing as life. Your first reflex is to mentally collate what-is into right or wrong, good or bad, keep or kill. Next, the delusional part of you tries to exert authority over others. Imagine:

Me, standing haughtily on a wimpy puff of clouds, blown across the skies by winds of whim and pettiness, peering down on a hapless mass of homo sapiens that are scratching the earth searching for approval, identity and purpose, begging me to control their destiny and to declare my assessment of their unworthiness.

To entertain the idea that you can hold on to or destroy what-is is a symptom of insanity. No? Look around in your infinite mind. Scrutinize your fickle emotions. What is the incentive for war? I am sure you will agree that no one is able to grasp a handful of fog, fold it flat and stuff it into your shirt pocket. Can you roll back five minutes of your life and relive it? Last week’s happiness (and sorrow) is a stale and boring memory…like retelling the episodes of how you learned to sit on a potty chair. Let that memory die!

Are you courageous enough to invite your greater self to emerge today, in this very minute? Are you intelligent enough to decide for your own pleasure? Are you confident enough to allow YOU to express your ever-expanding beauty, wholeness, unique gifts and talents and have fun like a five year old? Do you respect and love yourself enough to laugh at the ignoramus comments from intimate others and do what you want to do anyway?

joyous living like a 5 yr old

Happy to be here!

I know you can because I am doing it. And I am you. But it is up to you and only you have the authority, time and free resources to live exactly as YOU please. I said, “Free” because everything you will ever need is already within you…like the seeds of redwoods, like the eggs of people and animals… The moment you decide, you will have started your new adventure: to live fully, freely and joyously. Have fun!

Tell me: what are your insights, experiences? I would enjoy hearing from you.

So post your comments below before you forget. And if you find something useful in this blog, why not subscribe so you can receive email notification each time I publish a post. Also, I would be highly honored if you recommended this blog to others who might benefit. Thank you in advance.

Men Readers: Your comments are valuable too & highly welcomed! 😉

Shall we meet up again in a few days?

Until then,

Allow happiness!


Image credit: minniepauz.com, cartoonstock.com, clipartof.com

Copyright © 2010-2012 Thandiwe Chappot, thefemininefeminine®. All rights reserved worldwide.

7 thoughts on “Who Created This Stuff Anyway?

  1. Being confident to express the real self is always the challenge. There are so many things and people that can side-track us. I’m trying very hard every to NOT get side-tracked. Each day is a success leading to excellence. Lovely gravatar! 🙂


  2. Thank you Julie for sharing this.The ancient wisdom our parents and elders imparted continue to be appropriate, contemporary.


  3. Once again Thandiwe, you’ve hit the nail on the head! My father always said to me “No one can make you feel small, without your permission, so………….. think carefully before giving it” – we are in charge of our own situations and every thought we have is just as strong as the deeds we do. Our inner communication will always manifest somehow or other – being true to ourselves is paramount to happiness and wellbeing .

    Julie xxxx


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