Breaking Free

Good morning Friends,

Noticed when I want to do or have something that violates familial or social conditioning, same for seemingly insignificant matters, I feel a twinge of discomfort in my stomach. Therein is the fire that powers “I’m doing this, whether ‘they’ like it or not!”

Allow life!

New Start

Have a Prosperous New Year Friends!

My 3-year hiatus from blogging has planted me solidly into this now moment. I am here to shape this platform into a personal journal highlighting the sequence of my self-development, growth, and creative expression.

I suspect you are in agreement that we women need to share our progress with each other in order to boost our well-being and evolution. For we are the first guardians, teachers, educators and mentors of our children and men. They are watching us.

I welcome your wisdom and ideas for moving forward. Thank you.

Allow Life!

– Non-fiction Author
– Speaker
– Personal Success Group Coach (women only)
– VoiceOver Artist

Crystal Clarity

Good morning Friends,

It has been a long while since I last posted. Not because I had abandoned my love of speaking to invoke introspection and discussion or to assist in problem solving. Not because of a succession of mishaps and troubling inconveniences in my personal life. I was not even scared to announce changes in my path. I was unable to.

The mere thought to project sound towards curious ears or to link words on paper was intolerable, even painful. I could not afford to breach this sweet, mysterious, horizonless silence—a life opportunity was at hand. I had to embrace it with all my might and hold on with all three eyes: the physical and mental eyes that scheme to show who you are and who you are not.

“Dive deep, examine, release” was the command I heard. I did, and amongst the heap of dreams, my-story and my future, I rediscovered my true passion.

Ironically, the discovery was not the theatrical event as you would imagine; but rather an awareness so clear and complete in its delivery that thought was non-existent. I got it. Every cell in my body got it. I-we wanted to fly with my new wings.

Fact is, my true passion and supporting passions have been evolving and unfolding over time, since I was a youngster. My trajectory has prepared me for this moment.

I had to grow into it via awareness, practice, the grueling process of letting go of outgrown beliefs, and discernment of the work that is fundamental to human unfoldment. This work is best executed by women who are willing, able and ready to step up into the position of wise, compassionate, dedicated leaders on the world stage.

I say world stage because women are the first educators of humankind. We are in the most powerful position to push the global shift from lineal, ego driven, aggressive motivations to a refined paradigm of all-inclusive thinking, being, relating and creating, with intent to stand collectively, heal and serve the cause of spiritual well-being. Women can model vibrant health, fearless stance, safety, mutual support, wisdom, justice and beauty for all. This great work must begin within each individual–our  outer life shows the public how we consistently orchestrate the inner workings of the mind and physical activity.

Be natural!

What are your thoughts?

Thank You, Friends

Dear Friends, how much I thank you!
 You broke my fall into an abyss of despair.
You added me to your holiday guest list,
And sent me fabulous people links and web links
To boost my morale, to boost my knowledge, to boost my income.


Thank you Friends for confiding in me.
You trusted me to guard your worst fears and ‘hideous’ wants and secrets.
And thanks for safeguarding mine!
We taught each other those things that we ourselves had not grasped.
All that sincere sharing grew us, especially me, hopefully you too.


Thank you Friends for playing my playmate—
Did we not wake up our carefree, giggly, silly selves?
So much fun had we to be responsibly irresponsible & spontaneous!
Being Immune to disciplinary stares in public places, we modeled pure joy.


Thank you Friends who pretended to be strangers passing in a flash.
You reflected back to me what I needed to examine in me
To keep me synchronized in integrity.
Thank you for being a caretaker when the babyish me was bigger than the adult me–
You provided a refuge for me to lick my wounds from battling the invisible war within.
Thank you Friends for applauding my little successes.
You have been my first row fans & competent critics who pushed me towards excellence.
Without you, I would exist as vapor…you help me to stand solidly in the world!


Thank you Friends for your sunrise concert, your upbeat chatter & wing flapping
Just before you dive faster than fighter jets from roofs to grab beaks-full of dry stalks or
Balls of green moss, weeds & loose gravel from my balcony garden;
As you peel off dead slivers of bark to build the most exquisite weather-proof houses:
Arranging one piece at a time. What presence! What intelligence! What love!
You show me how to express myself.


Thank you Friends for teaching me “Seed of Potential.”
How wise you are to speak loudly & clearly without an audible voice!
You bend with the tempest without breaking.
You shed yourself bare & bow low in gratitude, reverence for life.
Every time I look towards my balcony there you are—growing, forever elegantly,
New leaves & limbs & bark with original color schemes to attract the perfect residents.
You are allowing your Seed of Potential to flourish to its fullest.
I thank you past & future, my ghost Friends, for making it plain how you do not exist.
Past is a pretty synonym of mental cemetery:
A favorite highly frequented spot where human beings indulge in exhuming
the same old bones gone to dust, the material used to build a feared or wished for future.
Because you are Not, my Friends, I have returned to living fearlessly:
I create right now & I experience the results right here in my consciousness!


Thank you critter Friends: especially the spider that weaved a web across my window that attracted strange teeny-weeny critters that left unsightly stains that compromised my view.
So I sprayed vinegar water to chase away the spider.
The next morning, spider had constructed a new more elaborate web.
This time I thoroughly cleaned my window of web & stains.
Day three, yet a new web just as beautiful with several tiny critters frantically attempting to escape.
What is your message Friend?
Never give up!
Give total attention to your intention.
If failures seem endless,
do what you do better until your intention is manifested”.
Yes, Spider is me.


Thank you Friends–the light, air, earth & water that sustain this physical body;
The mind that designs my whole life experience:
This planet playground in which I have fun trying out my talents & gifts;
Examining results (the finished product labeled “what is”);
Contemplating cause & effect to expand my awareness &
Capacity to give more of the limitless reservoir of love intelligence that I am.


Thank you Friends. Thank you.

A Humble Request

Good morning Beautiful People,

Well, bit by bit, I am learning more about how to improve the value of this blog. I have just added several  widgets. One is “ratings”.

My humble request is “Can you leave a rating for each of the posts you have read or will read, please?” I will use these ratings to determine what is most important to you. In this way, I can add content that will meet your needs. For my intention is to offer you value, not to hear me run off at the mouth…I do not need to blog for that!

Also, for your information, I have completely rewritten my About page.

Thank you very much.

Allow happiness!


Friends Are Like That

Jump 4 Joy!

Good morning Beautiful People,

The following text is a gratitude poem. But because I’m temporarily inept in using this blog platform, alas, I had to convert it into paragraph form.

Dear Friends, how much I thank you!

You broke my fall into an abyss of despair. You added me to your holiday guest list,  and sent me fabulous people links and web links to boost my morale, to boost my knowledge, to boost my income.

Thank you Friends for confiding in me.

You trusted me to guard your worst fears and ‘hideous’ wants and secrets.  And thanks for safeguarding mine! We taught each other those things that we ourselves had not grasped. All that sincere sharing grew us, especially me, hopefully you too.

Thank you Friends for playing my playmate—

Did we not wake up our carefree, giggly, silly selves? So much fun had we, to be responsibly irresponsible & spontaneous! Being immune to disciplinary stares in public places, we modeled pure joy.

Thank you Friends who pretended to be strangers passing in a flash.

You reflected back to me what I needed to examine & keep me synchronized in integrity. Thank you for being a caretaker when the babyish me was bigger than the adult me…You provided a refuge so that i could lick my wounds from battling the invisible war in my head.

Thank you Friends for applauding my little successes.

You have been my first row fans & competent critics who pointed me to excellence. Without you, I would exist as vapor…unable to stand upright in the world.

Thank you Friends for your sunrise concert, your upbeat chatter & wing flapping…

Just before you dove faster than fighter jets from roofs to grab beaks-full of dry stalks or balls of green moss, weeds & loose gravel from my balcony garden; and peeled off dead slivers of bark to build the most exquisite weather-proof houses, meticulously arranging one piece at a time. What presence! What intelligence! What love! You show me how to design with finesse.

Thank you Friends for reminding me of “seed of potential.”

How wise you are to speak loudly & clearly without an audible voice! You bend with the tempest without breaking. You shed yourself bare & bow low in gratitude, reverence for life. Every time I look towards my balcony there you are—growing, forever elegantly, new leaves & limbs & bark with original color schemes to attract the perfect residents. You are allowing your own seed of potential to flourish to its fullest.

I thank you past & future, my ghost Friends, for making it plain how you do not exist.

Past is a pretty synonym of mental cemetery: A favorite, highly frequented spot where human beings indulge in exhuming the same old bones gone to dust, the material used to build a feared or longed for future. Because ‘you are not,’  I have returned to living fearlessly: I create right now & I experience the results right here in my consciousness!

Thank you critter Friends: especially the spider that weaved a web across my window that attracted strange teeny-weeny critters that left unsightly stains that compromised my view. So I sprayed vinegar water to chase it away.

The next morning, spider had constructed a new more elaborate web. This time I thoroughly cleaned my window of web & stains. But on day three, a new web just as beautiful had trapped several tiny critters frantically attempting to escape. What is your message Friend?

Never give up! Give total attention to your intention. If failures seem endless, do what you do better until your intention is manifested”.…Yes, Spider is me.

Thank you Friends–the light, air, earth & water that sustain this physical body; the mind that designs my whole life experience: this planet playground in which I have fun trying out my talents & gifts; examining results (what is, a finished product); contemplating cause & effect to expand my awareness & capacity to give more of the limitless reservoir of love intelligence that I am.

Thank you Friends. Thank you.




Refuse to focus on the present moment; the past & future are more entertaining.

Struggle to change what is (a finished product of the past).

Gossip, blame, get very angry & speak rudely & loudly to others.

Waste time & energy by watching mind-mumbing TV, reading ‘people’ publications, surfing the internet, meeting up with unhappy others for cut-throat gossip sessions.

Abuse your body with foods, drink, drugs, insufficient activity, orifice pacifiers (tobacco, fingernails, food, objects…).

Rehash or reconstruct the past to make you look good, nearly perfect to your audience.

Procrastinate doing self-reliance type activities.

Have a tantrum in public to attract attention & pity.

Practice road rage.

Literally hate the elderly, the richer, beggars, those others who exhibit self-confidence & courage, do not look like or behave as you wish, have achieved in spite of heavy challenges.

Revenge your self-created enemies for not measuring down to your expectations.

Pout & rebel like a disgrundled 2-year old.

Display arrogance by showing how unappreciative you are.

Beg God & government to let you have your narcissistic way at the expense of others.

Cut queue to prove your superiority.

Lie, cheat, steal just because you can.

Invade the privacy of others but complain & revenge when others invade yours.

Interject your know-it-all opinions into conversations about which you know nothing & that do not concern you anyway.

Practice resistance: the “No I can’t be/have/do because____” habits of cowards.

Go out of your way to give alms to those you perceive as inferior to or lower than you.…those poor god-forgotten scum of the earth that we uppers must look after.

Give with conditions attached to the gift: a covert style of control–expect the receiver to respond & behave according to your wishes, so that you can get ego-gratification.

Criticize everyone about everything–especially friends who are thriving, success models of your own background, neighbors, other nationalities & cultures,  politicians, people more knowledgeable & creative than you.

Be 100% irresponsible, then attempt to manipulate others into suffering the consequences.

Make sure the low end of mediocrity is your highest standard of achievement.

Compete on every level to be the top dog of self-deception & a shallow existence.

Blame deceased parents, childhood experiences, ‘the system’ for your laziness & ignorance.

At every opportunity, revenge & hurt others with your sly off-hand remarks. This way you hide your own cowardice from yourself (though not from your audience).

Be quick to compare those rare split seconds of circumstance-initiated actions you are pushed into taking, to those who deliberately choose self-reliance regardless of circumstances.

Have handy excuses to justify your selfish refusal to offer your talents to the world.

Please share your ideas, comments below. I really want to hear from you! And I will respond.

Have fun!


Copyright (C) 2010 by Thandiwe Chappot, One is Two®, thefemininefeminine® (a blog), 
Permission is granted to reproduce or distribute this article, blog post, web links, only in its entirety, intact, and provided credits and copyright are acknowledged.

Welcome Beautiful People!

This is my first post and I hope that we will talk about personal experiences and new insights that will deepen our self-awareness and inspire more empowerment. I thank you in advance for your comments!

I started this blog because I am committed to participating in the advancement of women worldwide.

It is one more medium to communicate my thoughts and experiences regarding common subjects and women specific challenges. And to invite ideas from other women (and men too) with the intention to enrich our lives and to inspire deeper self awareness. Within the vastness of awareness reside self-reliance and happiness.

I have named this blog The Feminine Feminine to state there is far more to being a woman than sexiness, parenting, lover/wife; working double duty and paid working-poor wages while calling ourselves liberated or behaving as caricature men to earn mega money. Do we really want to rush home to put in an eight-hour workload within four hours before dropping onto the bed from exhaustion? Do we really want to mean it when we say Not tonight Honey, I’m too tired? I assure you, there is immeasurably more to us than that!

What is that more? It is a deeper immeasurable, broader dimension that is untouched by events, I call it Life.  It is that which animates the feminine woman (and the masculine man). Life–the One appearing as infinite many forms–is our source of instant knowing, freedom, joy, clarity, creativity, love, power and beauty. Life is that energy within that nudges us to step up to the next level in our growth and becomes the forms of supply that fills every need.

In order to be live examples of strength, gentleness, wisdom and self-reliance for our children and all the men in our lives, we must first surrender completely to Life so that we can take our original place in this world as calm and confident leaders. The time is now and we are already qualified–the seed of potential is within, waiting to be cultivated.

Again, I welcome your comments. Thank you.