The Danger of “living within your means”

Good morning Great People,

Most of us have been taught that in order to live without accumulating debt we must live within, preferably significantly below, our means. Means, of course, refers to money. I do not completely agree with this practice because there’s a subtle suggestion of scarcity and lack beliefs rather than fearless and wise use of plenitude.

Common counsel says manage your spending priorities by either tithing first (an act of faith) or by paying for the necessities of life first (food, housing…). Next, you should save a fixed percentage of your gross income or revenues and if there is a modest surplus, you can spend it on prudently selected ‘little pleasures’ and somewhat alleviate the frustration of not having quite enough or pinching pennies.

A more elaborate strategy recommends: first, pay yourself by saving a percentage (it will increase as revenues grow) in order to invest and ultimately generate sufficient passive income that will set you free from sweat and toil. Second, attend to the necessities of living and pay your bills as best you can. And last, the only money you spend on pleasures will come from net profits from your investments. In both scenarios, you are advised to manage what you have wisely, depending on your circumstances, point of view, lifestyle goals and personality: the latter plan appears to emerge from the philosophy of wealth consciousness in respect to finance. But the problem inherent in believing only money is means prohibits most of us from seeing beyond the jingles in our pockets or the fluctuating totals on our ledger sheets.

In other words, we construct a one-grain-of-sand view of means, source and life. We believe our extremely limited human perspective reveals the totality of a situation, subject or person. However, if you would blink one more time, you will know that no being or thing is ever left out of the ineffable goings-on in the universe, on this earth, because each equally is an indispensable aspect of it. And this fact applies to means.

One Source Many Means

Ponder this. Means is any and all avenues or channels through which we receive the fulfillment of our needs and real desires. Therefore, each of us is a means via our natural gifts, talents and skills, being a living example, sharing what we have. It also appears as opportunities, intuition or flash insights, a gut feeling, money, ideas to act on, unexpected gifts, serendipity, a particular person, objects, solutions, strong persistent pull, sudden urge, nudging or prompt to say or do something immediately. Means shows up as media, coincidence, seemingly unrelated events, conditions and unexpected changes in lifestyle. It is the individual’s responsibility to develop acute, alert awareness while maintaining a relaxed receptive attitude. Otherwise, we might confuse means with its source. Ignorance of this subtle difference has caused the interment of countless numbers of unknown geniuses.

You might ask, “Is not means and source the same?” Yes, in that, as far as I am concerned, there is only the One (infinite, eternal source) expressing itself as infinite many forms (right-for-now means). So the means is individuated expressions of the One. Therefore, the One is the essence, source of all means. But because of deeply engrained beliefs sustained by the masses that money, prestigious titles, social status, power of influence, health & beauty and fame are the source of happiness, success, romance and love, we function from a platform of fear, anxiety, jealousy, competitiveness, greed and yes, poverty. We witness the precariousness of means and adopt the one-grain-of-sand conclusion… giving means the post it can never occupy: the source.

So what shall we do? To start, I would suggest trying out the steps I am going to outline in this post. They worked for me! This is how it all started.

As usual, I tend to happen upon insights, situations, people, opportunities, etc. that move my life forward. One day, I happened to notice myself assessing the purpose of my surroundings, my body, family and friends, current lifestyle and how I brought them about. I had never before felt such depth of clarity, gratitude and appreciation for me, everyone, everything, including very painful encounters and situations. The insights that emerged carried me deeper to understand the subtle but huge difference between source and means. I eventually discovered security and independence from within, which is not at all measured by external reality. I will speak in depth about this in a future post.

Mind you, the process I went through was not without emotional pain associated with fear and doubt. But my willingness and readiness to know was powerful enough to keep me on track during the darkest hours. And there were many. This is what I learned to do and I still do it when I revert to irresponsible activities—blame, anger, cowardice or self-pity.

1)– In a casual way, look beyond the obvious for the purpose or the intention behind your desire. Expect to dig deep until you sense your single core intention. Refrain from judging or justifying your sincere desires that are deemed unacceptable by others. The opinion of others about you is irrelevant and is none of your business. Note that intention is the command-energy that summons your desire into physical reality. Your desire will appear to show up from out there via various channels or means. However, it already exists in its full potential within you but only your readiness for it allows you to ‘see’ what we label: a manifestation.

2)– Allow yourself to enjoy experiencing the multiple dimensions of your thoughts, feelings, insights and urges to take action in an unexpected way. It will never be an urge to abuse yourself or others! Be sure not to judge or label your experience. Simply observe yourself and respond spontaneously to whatever comes up. If you allow it, rather than resist whatever is happening, you will receive tremendous clarity, insights, solutions, positive closure on dangling issues and other lovely surprises. You will feel more alive, confident, at ease in your body, at ease in your world.

Next, in the same relaxed manner, repeat steps 1 and 2 for all living beings whether humans, animals, moon, plants, rocks, country, annoyances; and your personal belongings, relationships, current situation, state of mind and body, lifestyle, your goals and not the puny goals others may prescribe for you. I repeat: unless someone’s goal for you is bigger and more inspiring than the one you have already set for yourself, trash it without apologies or guilt.

Last, if you are truly open to being free, you will notice the folly in placing your life in the hands of fleeting channels or means—expecting them to offer you permanence of security, safety, lifestyle, love, income or happiness. The source of you, the source of your experience and the source of the means through which you give and receive is the same source of every other experience in the universe, simultaneously. Means emerges from source, not the reverse. Remember: One source and infinite forms of means or channels.

Sidebar: the reason folks go on strikes, murder, burglarize, commit suicide, join sects and switch political parties is due to prolonged frustration from depending on means–like parents, spouse, employers, government policies, professional titles or clients that will one day retire from serving you–as your inexhaustible source.  Nothing made, a finished product, is the source of itself. Can the pot make the potter?

So now you know. Let me show you a little trick…it is so simple you will be surprised even though this bit of information is older than the hills. Nothing is new here. An example: imagine that you want X amount of money this month. Be honest with yourself—know your underlying intention for wanting it. Do you want to impress folks and get their approval or envy and get noticed so you can feel worthy? Or simply to feel good about being able to spend as you like and enjoy your purchase without experiencing negative consequences? Why is self-honesty important? You will manifest your underlying intention, which may or may not include the object you think you want. In other words, you may receive money via familiar or unexpected channels or the object you wish to purchase without having to pay for it yourself. Rather than wracking your brain about exactly how or when you will manifest your intention, go about doing the things that inspire happiness, activities that produce pleasurable experiences.

You can start by sincerely appreciating what and who you are, your current situation and everything you have so far. You can practice your talents, the gifts you were born with and develop your natural skills. You can indulge in well-being activities or walk in nature or engage in pleasant small talk with an elderly neighbor who craves human contact. You can apply for a job or contact potential clients or post content on your website. Why not learn something new? Point is: engage in any activity you feel drawn to that feels just right in your mind and body right here right now. Then your doing will be a pleasure, an attractor of love, success and opulence rather than tainted with anxiety, anger, thoughts of lack and scarcity.

Because your mind is not at all focused on the how or when your need or desire will appear in your experience, best results will happen quicker and you will feel as if it sort of manifested without your input. At least that has been my experience more and more frequently.

Tell me: what are your insights, experiences? I would enjoy hearing from you.

So post your comments below before you forget. And if you find something useful in this blog, why not subscribe so you can receive email notification each time I publish a post. And recommend this blog to others who might benefit. Thank you in advance.

Shall we meet up again this week?

Until then,

Allow happiness!


Image credit:

Thandiwe Chappot © 2011 All rights reserved worldwide.

6 thoughts on “The Danger of “living within your means”

  1. Well Thandi you’ve outdone yourself on this post. I feel as if you wrote it for me. Thanks for the help and advice and I’m going to take my efforts just a bit further. I’ve come a long way but I feel as if I’m only half way. 2012 is around the corner and I’m anticipating some wonderful things for myself and my family. I cant wait to read your next post!




    • Thank you Deirdre. I’m so glad you felt inspired. Bravo to continue to take positive actions! I’m sure you’re on your own path now. Love, Tandi


    • Thank you for the encouragement Julie! Yes, I’m working on how to video myself appropriately. And i really appreciate your offer to help. Going to take you up on that. Thanks so much! Love, Tandi


  2. Hi Thandiwe,

    This is a fabulous start to your blog! Can’t wait to see some ‘teaser’ videos in here at some point.

    Have a great day.



  3. Hi Beautiful Thandiwe! This is a great beginning for your blog and I wish it every sucess.

    Can’t wait to see some ‘teasers’ videos in there at some point – let me know if I can help on this?

    Have a great day girl.




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